Power Solution
Unemployment is plaguing our nation. One of the reasons being that 97.7% of our working age population has not undergone any formal skill training. PRATHAM, Sambhav and Sharda are aimed at imparting skills to unemployed youth who cannot afford to pay the fees for training. By skilling the unemployed youth, we are harnessing dormant capital, which in turn will help in building our nation. The sectors for training are strategically selected as these have the maximum potential to yield monetary returns in the coming years: Assistant Electrician Technicians and Solar Panel Technicians.
500+ youth 275 Assistant Electrician Technicians trained already
125 More underway
125 Solar Panel Technicians undergoing training
India is literally the land of the young with 54% of our population below the age of 25, while rest of the world, including the developed nations, have an ageing population. Though India stands to gain from her young pool of human resource, only 2.3% of our workforce has undergone formal skill training, and the demographic advantage will only last till 2040. A young population can yield dividend on being trained, but an untrained youth population could prove disastrous. Skilling our untrained population at the earliest is absolutely imperative. It is for this that Skill India Mission came into existence. Organisations from across sectors and industries also have to work synchronously in order to solve the situation. In this direction, we have launched projects like PRATHAM, Sambhav and Sharda as part of our CSR.
PANKH is a unique endeavour to bring employability as well as employment to our youth population. This project would benefit those who cannot afford any formal skill training.
Depending on the training underwent, 500 targeted beneficiaries will be certified as either Assistant Electrician Technician or Solar Panel Technician. Training is being provided free of cost in both, electrical and solar works, as these are the sectors that face a dearth of skilled workers, and will remain so for the next couple of decades.
The project is being undertaken in partnership with Sharda Institute, which is renowned for imparting vocational training in Delhi and NCR. The partner institution provides skilled trainers and other non-monetary resources necessary for training, while we manage, supervise and extend financial support.
Training and syllabus, both theoretical and practical, is in compliance with NSDC stipulated standards and curriculum. Aspiring candidates who wish to enhance their skill set are selected after being subjected to an entrance test. This is followed by a series of assessments. 500 students in batches of 30 are trained for 300 hours over the duration of three months each. All successful candidates who have secured a minimum of 70% in final assessment will be provided with a joint certification. A Centre Manager will play the role of Market Linkage Coordinator to facilitate placements in the local market. Luminous will thus help the youth with quality skilling and subsequent employment.