Power Solution
Capacity (VA): 1500VA Operating Voltage 90V-290V Max supported panel power: 24V upto 1500 Wp Charge Controller Rating - 50 Amp Supports double battery 24 Month Warranty BIS certified as per IS/IEC standards which is mandatory for all solar inverters 3 User Settable Saving Modes: Solar Mode, Solar+Grid Mode and Grid+Solar Mode View daily solar generation data in all new LCD display screen Power savings of 1.5 - 3 units per day* with the help of Intelligent Solar Optimization Technique (iSOT). Max Capacity Utilization: Connect Solar Panels equivalent to Solar Inverter’s VA ratings. Powerful charging even at low voltage (90V) making it ideal for areas having low voltage issues. Pure Sine wave output for safety of your sensitive appliances and noiseless operations. Safe for your family and appliances: Short-circuit protection, Over temperature protection, Overload protection, No load shutdown.
1N Inverter, 1N Manual
32.0*27.5*15.0 CM
Commercial Applications, Homes and Small Shops
3 User Settable Saving Modes: Solar Mode, Solar+Grid Mode, and Grid+Solar Mode Intelligent Solar Optimisation Technology Max Capacity Utilization Intelligent Load Sharing
24 months
NXG 1850e
(A) Luminous Power Technologies Pvt. Ltd Village-Malpur, Baddi, District-Solan, Himachal Pradesh-173205 (B) Luminous Power Technologies Pvt. Ltd Kh No. 957, 958, 960, 961 & 975, Village-Dev Nagar, PO-Gagret, Tehsil-Amb, Himachal Pradesh-177201
Contact Customer Care Executive: Luminous Power Technologies Private Limited Plot No 150, Sector- 44, Gurugram, Haryana -122003 Ph.: 99999 33039 Email Id: Care@luminousindia.com Website: www.luminousindia.com
Shipping: Luminous ensures delivery of products sold through it's website within maximum 7 days. We make sure that all the products that reach to your house are functional and have no defects. Returns: All products sold through Luminous India are usually delivered in person by our aligned partner near to your house. Hence, there is no risk of product damages and operational issues. For any reason, if you want to cancel the purchase or return the product, please return it at the time of taking the delivery. Your amount will be refunded back to your bank account within 2-3 working days. Cancellation Policy: We accept cancellation of your orders with below applicable charges: Within 24 hours of placing the order: No penalty. After 24 hours: 10 % of sale price.
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