Power Solution
A solar inverter is one of the most crucial parts of a solar system. It helps in converting direct current (DC) generated by the solar panels into alternating current (AC), which is used to run your electrical appliances in both residential and commercial applications. Finding the right solar inverter can be confusing, but with our wide array of solar inverters, you can choose the best fit as per your requirement.
NXG range is a solar inverter range that intelligently uses grid and solar power. With ability to operate in a wide voltage range, NXG is the ideal starter solar solution for homes. NXG is an intelligent solar inverter that can simultaneously run the load and charge the battery. It is designed to give priority to solar power and uses grid power only when the solar power or battery power is insufficient to meet the load ...
NXG PRO means MORE. NXG PRO is an intelligent solar inverter which comes with in-built MPPT technology which extracts 30% more power from solar panels as compared to other PWM solar inverters. It gives priority to solar power and uses grid power only when the solar power or battery power is insufficient to meet the load requirements. It is compatible with new generation of solar panels, too.
The NXT+ range of PCUs are the ideal off-grid solar inverters, specially designed to offer control. This PCU optimises the battery charging in an intelligent manner. It consists of the latest MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) charge controller. It allows the users to extract maximum solar power. It is 30% more efficient compared to normal PWM-based PCUs.
NXI grid tie inverters convert DC power generated from Solar panels into AC power which can be used for running loads, and excess solar power generated can be exported to the grid, maximising your savings. The Luminous NXI grid tie inverters can feed power directly to the grid from solar panels. They are uniquely designed to disconnect from the grid if the utility grid goes down which is also known as anti-islanding feature.
Solarverter PRO comes with proven MPPT Technology which extracts up to 30% more power from the panels. It allows smart management of Solar Power, Grid Supply and Battery to provide uninterrupted power for your use. Luminous Solarverter PRO is BIS certified as per IS/IES Standards.
Solarverter range allows smart management of Solar Power, Grid Supply and Battery to deliver uninterrupted power for all electrical applications. Designed for high performance against the typically tough Indian grid conditions. It comes with 2 years* warranty.
Hybrid Inverter range is a combination of an on-grid inverter and off-grid inverter making it more versatile than other solar inverters helping in lowering your electricity bills and protecting from power outages. It can supply solar power to run your electrical appliances, store electricity in batteries required during power outages as well as export excess power generated to grid.
3 Phase Solar Hybrid TX is designed with advanced technology. It adopts double transform high frequency and high-performance digital control technique (DSP), with perfect protection, super network management function, reasonable man-machine interface, and a series of precision designs to meet high-reliability requirements. Experience a power that integrates reliability, safety, and maintainability characteristics.
NXP Series
What is a Solar Inverter?
A solar inverter is one of the most important components of a solar power system. It is responsible for converting direct current power generated by solar panels into alternating current power which is used to run various appliances and electrical devices at home. Luminous offers a wide range of solar inverters to fulfill your power backup needs and help you save on your electricity bills.
How many solar panels should I connect with my solar inverter?
It depends on the extent of power you want to generate. Make a list of the total load and the time it will be ON in a day. To get energy consumption (Watt-Hour) per day - multiply individual load by the time it operates in a day. Divide this figure total by 4 (Sun hours). This figure gives the approximate total panel Watts.
How much electricity bill will I save when I use a Luminous solar inverter?
The savings on your electricity bill is proportional to the capacity of the solar panel installed along with Luminous solar inverter. In a tropical country like India, we get an average of 4-5 hours good sunlight for about 300 days in a year. A 1000Wp panel, will generate about 4-5 units per day on a sunny day.
Are Luminous solar inverters BIS certified?
Yes, Luminous solar inverters are BIS certified as per IS/IEC standards.
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